Happy Healthy Homes
Elemental Balance Explained
5-Element Feng Shui is not related to any religion
or belief system, it is a scientific discipline
based on the analysis of energy.
Ronda's assessments are not subjective
but based on time & space:
the year individuals are born,
the surrounding environment &
the movement of the solar system.
Classical Feng Shui Consultant since 1998.

The principles in Classical Feng Shui includes an in-depth understanding and application of the theories of Yin and Yang, balancing the Five Elements (fire, earth, metal, water and wood), East-West Compass Directions, the Solar System, and Form School to evaluate the environment. A compass reading is used to determine one of 24 directions a structure is sitting and facing. Date of construction and birthdays of occupants are required.
Harmony is achieved based upon a set of theories and complex calculations according to Classical Feng Shui as well as Ronda's years of form follows function design principles, artistic talent, and intuitive sensitivities. The correct positioning of appropriate colors and elements around your home and office helps you receive optimum benefits while fitting into any style and décor.
The elemental balance works with physical aspects as well as invisible energies in relations to direction, time and space. Remedies are prescribed where necessary to balance the energy flow so that the environment has a positive effect on those residing within.

Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway), the 6000-year-old Chinese art of placement, can promote good health, improve relationships and enhance prosperity.
Throughout ancient China, Classical Feng Shui was a closely guarded discipline used as a tool to ensure good health, wealth, and power of the imperial dynasties. The keepers of the secret knowledge were the Feng Shui Masters, the highly respected scientists and astronomers who were charged with sustaining good fortune, longevity and prosperity.
The American Feng Shui Institute defines Feng Shui as literally meaning
“wind and water” signifying the ancient study of the natural environment.
Classical, or Traditional Feng Shui should not be confused with Western Feng Shui that is associated primarily with applications using the “Bagua Map” method for locating the “love corner” or the “wealth corner” of a home. Classical Feng Shui rejects this over-simplified methodology. Every building has its own unique energy characteristics. There is no pat answer, no one size fits all solution for maximizing energy flow. Simply placing a faux-Chinese artifact in a particular corner is not the answer. Traditional Feng Shui uses a much more complex scientific approach to subtly shift energy. There is no guess work, no new age gimmicks to achieve a harmonious environment.
Feng Shui has a bad name because of ineffective attempts at modifying energy flow. Charlatans are shrouded in cloaks of mystery and ritual. They take a “shotgun” approach to prescribing wind chimes and mirrors, embellishing their charade with incense and prayer. Be wary of practitioners who offer fixed or occult “cures”; their prescribed remedies may do more harm than good.
Classes on Classical Feng Shui are available for groups, please inquire.